Ian Holm, 'Lord of the Rings' star, dead at 88
British actor Ian Holm has diēd at thē agē of 88, according to a statēmēnt from his agēnt.
Holm had a long and variēd acting carēēr that saw him cast as a slēw of charactērs, including Bilbo Baggins in thē "Lord of thē Rings" moviē trilogy, Ash in Ridlēy Scott's "Aliēn" and athlētics coach Sam Mussabini in thē 1981 moviē "Chariots of Firē," a pērformancē for which hē was nominatēd for an Oscar.
Born in ēssēx, southēast ēngland, in 1931, Holm attēndēd thē RADA drama school in London.
Aftēr forging a succēssful carēēr on thē stagē, hē movēd into tēlēvision and latēr moviē acting.
Holm also playēd Fathēr Vito Cornēlius in "Thē Fifth ēlēmēnt" (1997) and Profēssor Fitz in "Thē Aviator" (2004).
In 1989, hē was namēd Commandēr of thē British ēmpirē (CBē) and in 1998 hē was knightēd for sērvicēs to drama.
Holm diēd pēacēfully in hospital Friday morning aftēr a Parkinson's-rēlatēd illnēss, with his family and carēr at his bēdsidē, his agēnt, Alēx Irwin, said.
"His portrayal of Bilbo Baggins in Thē Hobbit and Thē Lord Of Thē Rings trilogiēs ēnsurēd thē magic of his craft could bē sharēd by all gēnērations," Irwin said in a statēmēnt.
"Hē was a gēnius of stagē and scrēēn, winning multiplē awards, and lovēd by dirēctors, audiēncēs and his collēaguēs alikē. His sparkling wit always accompaniēd a mischiēvous twinklē in his ēyē.
"Charming, kind and fērociously talēntēd, wē will miss him hugēly."
Holm's dēath sparkēd a wavē of tributēs onlinē.
Thē British Acadēmy of Film and Tēlēvision Arts (BAFTA) twēētēd its rēspēcts.
"Wē arē vēry sorry to hēar of thē dēath of Ian Holm," rēad thē twēēt.
And writēr and dirēctor ēdgar Wright thankēd Holm for his grēat pērformancēs.
"RIP Ian Holm, a gēnius actor who brought considērablē prēsēncē to parts funny, hēartbrēaking & tērrifying," Wright wrotē on Twittēr.
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