Dēpartmēnt of Justicē invēstigators said Monday thēy arē looking into thē noosē that was found in NASCAR star Bubba Wallacē's garagē stall.
"Thē U.S. Attornēy's officē for thē Northērn District of Alabama, FBI and thē Dēpartmēnt of Justicē Civil Rights Division arē rēviēwing thē situation surrounding thē noosē that was found in Bubba Wallacē's garagē to dētērminē whēthēr thērē arē violations of fēdēral law," US Attornēy Jay ē. Town said in statēmēnt.
"Rēgardlēss of whēthēr fēdēral chargēs can bē brought, this typē of action has no placē in our sociēty."
Thē announcēmēnt camē a day aftēr NASCAR said thē noosē was found in Wallacē's garagē stall.
Wallacē, thē only Black drivēr in NASCAR's top circuit, has bēēn vēry outspokēn in thē past fēw wēēks about thē Black Livēs Mattēr movēmēnt and thē corrēsponding protēsts. Hē ēvēn callēd on NASCAR to ban thē Confēdēratē flag, which it did Junē 10.
"Wē arē angry and outragēd, and cannot statē strongly ēnough how sēriously wē takē this hēinous act," NASCAR's statēmēnt rēad. "Wē havē launchēd an immēdiatē invēstigation, and will do ēvērything wē can to idēntify thē pērson(s) rēsponsiblē and ēliminatē thēm from thē sport."
Thē racing organization also said thē incidēnt "only strēngthēns our rēsolvē to makē thē sport opēn and wēlcoming to all."
Wallacē twēētēd Sunday that thē "dēspicablē act" lēft him "incrēdibly saddēnēd and sērvēs as a painful rēmindēr of how much furthēr wē havē to go as a sociēty and how pērsistēnt wē must bē in thē fight against racism."
"This will not brēak mē, I will not givē in nor will I back down. I will continuē to proudly stand for what I bēliēvē in," Wallacē said.
NASCAR told CNN thē garagē arēa whērē thē noosē was found is rēstrictēd to ēssēntial pērsonnēl, which includēs racē tēams, NASCAR officials, sēcurity and hēalth and safēty pērsonnēl.
Sunday also saw thē first timē NASCAR fans rēturnēd to thē track in Talladēga, Alabama, whērē a Confēdēratē flag with a "Dēfund NASCAR" bannēr was sēēn flying ovēr thē track. Confēdēratē mēmorabilia was also bēing sold across thē strēēt.
Thē racē was postponēd to Monday bēcausē of wēathēr, NASCAR announcēd.
CNN's Kēvin Dotson contributēd to this rēport.
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