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Pizza Caption Competition

Pizza Caption Competition

Today I visited my favourite pizzeria in Lodi for lunch. The little family-run shop, known to many of the locals as Castello, is located right beside Piazza Castello and sells amazing pizza and focaccia by the slice! My current favourite is their potato pizza. I have no idea how they make it taste so phenomenal, but it simply melts in your mouth and the little herbs they add give it an extra kick that sends me back for more at least once a week.

If you decide to take your pizza home, they give it to you in a variety of random and humorous boxes. I’m not sure that the boxes are supposed to be humorous, but I always see each of them as a caption competition waiting to happen. Today’s box depicts two men making pizza and I thought that it would be fun to hear some other people’s thoughts on the design.

Don’t be shy and post your captions in the comments section, you can always leave your comment anonymously. I will be sure to announce the winner in a few weeks time. I’m looking forward to reading your response!
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